This article is a set of memories, belonging to the list of RMBATS.

Say goodbye to 2019, the year that changed my life and destiny.


The first half of 2019

From the second half of 2018, I’ve been working on the application of CSC. All things happened can be found in last year’s summary. This year is the harvest time. Here, I’ll put those important things together with some good pictures, which likes the mode of last year’s summary.

The part of the beginning of this year has been recorded in the summary of 2018, including the first two months. From March, I came back to school after finishing the winter vacation. This semester is a special period for me because all my classmates and roommates left school. They had finished their whole study and master’s defence before the winter vacation. But for me, I had to start the way with myself, I need to write my master’s thesis and finish the relative experiments in three months. Besides, in March, I also need to prepare all documents and fill in the online CSC applying system. And to prepare a second choice for myself, I got in touch with a professor of SDU. The professor, Mr Yunhai, gave me several hard questions that I need to take a lot of time to read his papers to make an answer.

After March, I started a long time with paperwork and coding. I went to the lab every day, which is ironic to me that I hardly ever went to the lab before this semester. At that time, I got a good experience with other students. The whole lab just had one 3-grade student so that everyone else showed their respect for me and I helped them to solve some troubles. Most time I was writing my master’s thesis. It’s hard to have a good structure and start, I took much time to discuss with my professor.

Time escaped fast, after April, I started to worry about the result of my application. I worried about what I should do if the application was failed. This kind of feeling around me for the whole of May. On May 31, the final result came out, I still remember that afternoon. I refreshed the browser again and again and kept my eyes on QQ to catch every message. Someone started to post good news in the QQ group, I even can’t breathe at that time. Finally, the red pages jumped out and I almost cried when I see this good news. I can’t describe the happiness after I received the good news, I went to play the badminton with my friends. That day, I realized what is relaxation, and finally, the burden in my heart was put down.


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Time to June, the feeling of happiness almost disappeared after I came back from home. Instead, I was nervous about the master’s defence, I thought the final day would be mid of June, so I worked very hard to finish the thesis. I used April to develop the System and used two months to write, but actually, the content mostly finished in June. Finally, I finished the thesis with more than 70 pages and 30,000 Chinese characters. It’s a huge project, the system built with the cluster of 16 PCs, and the whole project contains more than 10,000 code lines. I finish them all in three months, maybe I will write one post to introduce my thesis and my research works.

Besides, from that moment, I already started to pack my stuff. Because I delayed my ending time, I had moved out my original room to a new one, which means I’ve packed them once. But when I try to do this again, there were still too many things to order into my box. Finally, I used 3 big boxes to contain them, and deliver them to home with a high price.



Before July, every month has one Chinese festival so that we have at least one week of free time. With these small vacations, I could come back home every month in the first half of the year. But from this month, I didn’t come back until I left school. In this final period of time, I played a lot with my friend, mostly we play badminton in the gym, we shared a good time in the lab.

In the first week of July, I finally faced the day of master’s defence. To my surprise, we 3 students finished our defence with 7 professors in a small room. Almost all the respected professor attended our defence, including the leader of our faculty. The situation was more serious than the first time of defence. After that, I started to edit thesis, check the content and finally make them into one book. After finishing them all, the boring task came to me. I need to edit the long thesis to 6 or 7 pages. I did this for about one month from July to the mid of August.


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